With League of Legends finally reaching its mid-season update for 2024, Riot Games’ developers have made some major changes to several systems across the game, including the introduction of new boots called Symbiotic Soles.
Patch 14.10 added a handful of new items to the fray, such as a revamped pair of boots that can help players travel just a bit faster while running around on Summoner’s Rift. Combined with some of the new items available in the store, players should have a good amount of variety to explore in their solo queue games.
These new Symbiotic Soles have taken over for Boots of Mobility and even have a free upgrade to its elevated form, called the Synchronized Souls. This upgraded version is perfect for increasing tempo and momentum as you ramp up toward the later stages of a game.
How to build Symbiotic Soles in League

Symbiotic Soles is a new boot item that was added to League in Patch 14.10 to replace the now-removed Boots of Mobility. It can be purchased after buying your first pair of regular boots and costs 900 gold. With these new boots, you’ll have 35 extra movement speed, an empowered recall, and after traveling 150,000 units, the boots will upgrade into Synchronized Souls.
Synchronized Souls will grant 45 extra movement speed, an empowered recall, and will also grant 45 movement speed whenever you’re out of combat. This is a great item for any champions that roam around the map at a frequent rate, such as various junglers or mid laners who wish to help out their side lanes to win a skirmish.