League of Legends has nearly 170 champions, and they all fill a certain role and have unique abilities. While every character is viable in one way or another, depending on the patch and metagame, some stand out above others.
From the top lane all the way down to support, we’ve put together a list of the five best characters in League right now. The data we used is from leading League stats site U.GG, which gives players a comprehensive look at win rates.
So, if you’re looking for an extra victory to hit the next rank before the end of the season or just want to keep an eye on the top of the metagame, this League champion bible is for you.
The best League champions in each position
Top lane: Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser has become an abomination in the top lane with a 53.09 percent win rate. He’s one of the best one-vs-one bruisers in the game, so it’s no surprise he’s dominating the typically isolated solo lane in the north of Summoner’s Rift. With his Death Realm (R), the champion can abuse a lot of opponents, not only his top lane counterparts. If you want to beat him, Vayne, Dr. Mundo, and Heimerdinger all enjoy positive win rates over him right now.
Urgot, Zac and Cassiopeia follow suit, with 53.08, 52.96 and 52.83 percent win rates, respectively.
Jungle: Lillia

This one is all but surprising, looking at the champion’s recent rise to glory. Lillia has finally conquered the top of the scoreboards, barreling her way to the top of the jungle pile in Patch 14.10 and is currently winning 53.77 percent of games. She barely edges out Karthus (53.64 percent) and Amumu (53.00).
Mid lane: Heimerdinger

I can’t believe Heimerdinger’s win rate this patch, but the U.GG stats never lie: the mage is winning 54.30 percent of games when he’s picked in the mid lane. Now, before we all rush out to play him, make sure you’re building him right—you should rush building Liandry’s Torment and reworked Blackfire Torch.
If you want another mid laner to play, Brand, last patch’s mid laner with the highest win rate, is sitting pretty in third with a 53.97 percent win rate. Many other champs, like Akshan, Malzahar, Anivia, also boast win rates above 52 percent.
Bot lane: Samira

Hypercarry ADC Samira is enjoying her place in the bot lane spotlight again midway through season 14. She is currently winning 53.04 percent of matches, being the only one to pass the 53 percent threshold. Samira is also being banned in one in five lobbies. She’s ahead of Jhin (52.54 percent), Jinx (52.30 percent), and Kog’Maw (51.99 percent).
Support: Taric

Taric has taken an early lead in Patch 14.10. He has a spectacular 54.49 percent win rate, ahead of another support, Poppy (52.67 percent), who dominated the role in the previous update. Leona trails in third, though she may take the top spot in the coming weeks, considering she already has a whopping 64,500 matches played this update.
Now, go out, lock in one of these League champs, and win!