No matter how good you might be at Homeworld 3, your units will take damage during combat. Instead of simply discarding them, you can heal them.
During combat in Homeworld 3, you’ll spend a lot of time building and researching new units, from Interceptors to Fleet Bombers. Even though these might not cost you a lot of resources, you still want to have as many units as you can so that can join the fight when you need them. Ideally, you’ll repair all your units between encounters. This might not be possible all the time due to cinematics and mission transitions, but you should always look to have them fixed.
Here’s how to heal units in Homeworld 3.
How to heal units in Homeworld 3

There’s only one way to heal units in Homeworld 3, and that is to dock them on your mothership.
First, you want to select the units you want to repair with the left click of your mouse, and then, hold the right click to dock them. Another way to do this is to select them, and then choose the Dock option from the interface in the bottom right corner.
You can repair as many units as you have, as long as you dock them. If you skip this step, and, for example, move on to the next mission, your units won’t heal. The transition between missions doesn’t heal them, only docking.
The easiest way to keep your units repaired is to get them to dock at the beginning or at the end of every mission. This way even cinematics won’t interrupt you fixing them.
Healing Mothership is different. If it gets damaged as a part of encounter, like in Mission 05, you have to follow the clear instructions. This usually entails building or researching additional parts. But if it was damaged during combat, I noticed my mothership simply healed between missions. Mothership is hard to take down, but not impossible. Please, always keep an eye out on Mothership’s healthbar during heavy invasions.