Botany Manor is full of secrets, and one is the location of the property’s Priest Hole.
In the 16th century, during a period when Catholics were persecuted in England, Priest Holes were built into some homes to allow priests to hide out. Clues around Botany Manor suggest it does, too, and here’s how you can find it.
Priest Hole location in Botany Manor

The Priest Hole is in the Pantry, in the Kitchen. The entrance to the secret passage is behind the shelf with pots, pans, and plates on it, and you need to solve a puzzle to open it.
The location of the Priest Hole is suggested by several Clues, including the map in the Painting Room that shows a passage running behind the Kitchen.
How to open the Priest Hole in Botany Manor

You need to open the Priest Hole when you’re trying to grow Wolfglove in Botany Manor, but you can enter it as soon as you gain access to the Kitchen.
In the Pantry, beside the shelf/entrance to the Priest Hole, you’ll find a table with an old-fashioned scale and weights beside it. Add the 1oz, 5oz, 9oz, and 3 oz weights to the scale and the shelf will open to reveal the Priest Hole.
You’ll find a letter from a Priest and a duck inside the hiding place. Follow the passageway and it will lead to the Orangery, allowing you to continue uncovering the manor’s secrets.