Contexto is one of the nerdiest word games out there. The game tasks you with finding the word of the day by showing how close other words you guess are to it. This is measured by analyzing thousands of texts to find similarities between words.
How to play Contexto
You play Contexto by typing a word into the text box—anything that comes to mind. When you submit your guess, it will appear under the text box with a number next to it and a bar that can be red, yellow, or green. The lower the number of the word you guessed is, the more it’s related to today’s Contexto solution. The higher it is, the worse your guess is.
That’s why if you make a good guess, shown by a low number and a green color bar, you should keep guessing similar words—for example, if “internet” is green, I would try “connection” or “computer.”
Conversely, if it’s a high number and red, try something totally different. Using the same example, if “internet” was red, I would try “dog” or “eyes.”
Contexto 607 hints (May 17)
The solution to the May 17 puzzle, Contexto 607, is related to water. Like yesterday I started with “water,” and already I was straight in the green with an 86. However, all my follow-ups were complete misses, with “liquid” and “drink” in the low-orange section.
![A screenshot of a game of Contexto.](
With “sea” and “ocean” also out, I switched to objects that use water, and suddenly we were back on track. “Drain,” “toilet,” “sewage,” and “gutter” all helped close in on the final mark before “pipe” got us to two—so close! It’s obviously something to do with a worker who builds equipment related to water.
![A screenshot of a game of Contexto.](
Contexto 607 answer (May 17)
Today’s solution to Contexto 605 is PLUMBER. You can get close to this answer if you guess “pipe,” “builder,” “plumb,” “electrician,” and “contractor.” I would have thought plumb would have been second behind plumber, and I also thought a few of the similar trades like “roofer” or “handyman” would have come in a little lower too.
![A screenshot of a game of Contexto.](
Past Contexto answers
Here are the answers to recent Contexto puzzles. You can use the game settings to replay them if you want.
- Contexto 606: PEACH
- Contexto 605: LIZARD
- Contexto 604: TECHNOLOGY
- Contexto 603: HEARTH
- Contexto 602: MEAL
- Contexto 601: ASTRONOMY
- Contexto 600: LAMB
- Contexto 599: DEPARTURE
- Contexto 598: DATA
- Contexto 597: AGREEMENT
If you enjoy word games, you can also check out some of our other articles on Wordle or Strands.