FlyQuest’s journey at the 2024 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational came to an end today, leaving fans and players alike with mixed emotions. Among heated comments and irreverent memes on social media, few called for respect toward the North American players, including their top laner.
In the qualification match for the Bracket Stage, the NA team was bested by PSG Talon and was eliminated from the competition in an upset bound to raise a lot of emotive replies from League fans. In the post-match press conference, Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau, top laner for the North American team, called for some “space to recover” for his teammates while heavily criticizing his own performance in the match.

“I don’t mind if people are harsh on me because simply I am the harshest person on myself,” Bwipo continued. “So no matter what fans might think or say, I have long thought it before they did, and I’m already trying to get better as we speak.”
The top laner commented on the pressure he puts on himself during crucial matches, stating that he doesn’t walk on stage to play a game he doesn’t “actively try to win.” But Bwipo also said that having put this pressure on his teammates “may have negatively affected” their performance today before apologizing for the result.
The reflective tone tinged with remorse and sadness Bwipo had during the press conference mirrored the tearful one Fahad “Massu” Abdulmalek, FlyQuest bot laner, had on broadcast when he shared how “frustrating” it feels to have not played at his best ability.
FlyQuest faced PSG Talon in a crucial elimination showdown, where the PCS representatives dominated both games with aggressive strategies and a by-the-manual macro, securing an early lead and maintaining control throughout, ending FlyQuest’s run at MSI 2024.
As FlyQuest reflect on their performance and looks towards the future, Bwipo’s words serve as a reminder of the resilience and determination required to succeed in the competitive pro scene.