Official Valve blogs often signal the arrival of new gameplay patches in Dota 2, but that hasn’t been the case for a while now, and Valve has today continued the baiting spree with its latest blog post about a community vote for skins.
While the update may not feature any gameplay changes, it marked the first-ever feature carried over to the full game from Dota Labs: High-visibility hero HP bars. However, fans who saw the patch’s size before reading the blog post got their hopes up again, resulting in fan comments such as “Hurray, one GB patch… For nothing.”

Unlike previous Dota 2 blog posts this year, this one was straight to the point, but even that couldn’t save it from the wrath of players who have been longing for gameplay change for the last seven months. “It’s a shame there isn’t even a mention of when the next gameplay update might come,” one fan said, but there were still some bright sides to the patch.
The Crownfall Collector’s Cache vote featured 248 sets, a recordbreakingly high number of skins to be present in a single Dota 2 vote. Overall, the level of creativity and quality of the skins in the vote look impressive. After taking a look at all the suggested skins, I’m sure a single Cache won’t be enough to fit all the genius submissions.
At the time of writing, Valve still hasn’t revealed when it will ship a gameplay update for Dota 2. The full Crownfall event schedule hints at patches that will go live on May 14, June 11, and July 9, but the Dota 2 developer is famously no stranger to losing track of time or delivering anything but balance changes in a new patch.