League of Legends‘ midseason update for season 14 is arriving with Patch 14.10 in early May and will shake the meta to its core. While a myriad of changes await summoners, many believe the adjustment and sunsetting of runes is the greatest of them all.
From the outright removal (or “sunset”) of powerplay runes like Predator and Lethal Tempo to the creation of new runes for players to try, League Patch 14.10 will change the way players interact with runes forever.
Here’s what’s in store for the League rune system.
All League Patch 14.10 rune changes

In an April 30 blog post, Riot Games devs detailed exactly why runes were getting a pass. “Our biggest goal going into 14.10 was to identify the runes in our current system that weren’t quite hitting the mark in terms of player satisfaction or proved to be detrimental to game health,” developer Alex “scaz” Z said.
While some of these troublesome League runes were adjusted or shuffled, a few had to be culled altogether. In total, six runes were “sunset”—these runes may not be gone forever, but for the meanwhile they’ll be taken out of the game.
Early signs indicate players are happy with a few of the changes, but we’ll know for sure once they hit the live server on May 14.
New runes
New runes have been added; some mirror the sunset runes and their effects, while others introduce something different. The bulk of the changes come in the Inspiration tree, with multiple runes shuffled or reworked entirely.
- Absorb Life
- Precision tree, row one (replaces Overheal).
- Killing a target grants you a burst of health.
- Cash Back
- Inspiration tree, first row.
- Gain six percent of gold spent back when you purchase a Legendary item.
- Jack of All Trades
- Inspiration tree, third row.
- For each differing stat gained from items, gain a Jack stack. Each Jack stack gives one Ability Haste, with bonus Adaptive Force granted at five and 10 Jack stacks.
- Legend: Haste
- Precision tree, row two (replaces Legend: Tenacity).
- Gain 1.5 Ability Haste per Legend stack, stacks up to 10.
- Legend stacks can be earned per champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, or minion kill.
Adjusted runes
- Cut Down
- New effect: Deal eight percent more damage to targets that have more than 60 percent max HP.
- First Strike
- Bonus damage increased from seven to eight percent.
- Base gold of hit increased by 10.
- Gold from damage dealt reduced from 100/70 to 50/35 percent (melee/ranged).
- Fleet Footwork
- Base heal amount reduced from 10-130 to 8-110.
- Duration of speed boost increased from one to 1.25 seconds.
- Font of Life
- Immobilizing enemies now heals the user and lowest-health ally for 10-50 HP.
- Amount reduced by 30 percent for ranged champions.
- Immobilizing enemies now heals the user and lowest-health ally for 10-50 HP.
- Hail of Blades
- Ranged attack speed reduced to 80 percent of bonus for ranged champions.
- Relentless Hunter
- No longer grants five movement speed at zero stacks.
- Sudden Impact
- Cooldown increased from four to 10 seconds.
- Impact now deals 20-80 bonus True damage within five seconds after dashing or leaving stealth.
- Time Warp Tonic
- Moves to Inspiration tree, row two.
- No longer works on Biscuits or mana items.
- No longer grants two percent movement speed.
- Immediate consumption bonus increased from 30 to 40 percent.
- No longer reduces lingering heal effects.
- Triple Tonic
- Moves to Inspiration tree, row two.
- Press the Attack
- Base damage reduced from 40-180 to 40-160.
- Cooldown adjusted from six seconds after trigger to five seconds out of combat.
- Duration changed from six to five seconds.
Removed runes
- Future’s Market
- Ingenious Hunter
- Legend: Tenacity
- Minion Dematerializer
- Overheal
- Predator